Она из примеров пикбейсика.
Вот ее полный вариант: ' One-wire temperature for LAB-X1 and DS1820
temperature Var Word ' Temperature storage
count_remain Var Byte ' Count remaining
count_per_c Var Byte ' Count per degree C
DQ Var PORTC.0 ' One-wire data pin
' Define LCD registers and bits
Define LCD_DBIT 4
Define LCD_RSBIT 0
Define LCD_EBIT 1
ADC ON1 = 7 ' Set PORTA and PORTE to digital
Low PORTE.2 ' LCD R/W line low (W)
mainloop: OWOut DQ, 1, [$CC, $44] ' Start temperature conversion
waitloop: OWIn DQ, 4, [count_remain] ' Check for still busy converting
If count_remain = 0 Then waitloop
OWOut DQ, 1, [$CC, $BE] ' Read the temperature
OWIn DQ, 0, [temperature.LOWBYTE, temperature.HIGHBYTE, Skip 4, count_remain, count_per_c]
' Calculate temperature in degrees C to 2 decimal places (not valid for negative temperature)
temperature = (((temperature >> 1) * 100) - 25) + (((count_per_c - count_remain) * 100) / count_per_c)
Lcdout $fe, 1, DEC (temperature / 100), ".", DEC2 temperature, " C"
' Calculate temperature in degrees F to 2 decimal places (not valid for negative temperature)
temperature = (temperature */ 461) + 3200
Lcdout $fe, $c0, DEC (temperature / 100), ".", DEC2 temperature, " F"
Pause 1000 ' Display about once a second
Goto mainloop ' Do it forever
Добавлено (30.08.2008, 4:05:08)
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